We've heard the expression
our whole lives, and have often joked about it. The truth is sleep is necessary for anti-aging and beauty
benefits in general, as well as health and hormonal balance. I've never
understood the expression: "I'll sleep when I die" because lack of
sleep will contribute to the deterioration of your body and immune system...and
could very well contribute to an early grave! I don't know about you, but when
I don't get quality sleep, or get less sleep than I'm used to for more than one
night, I just don't feel right. I'm more bloated, the lines on my face seem
more pronounced, my skin looks dull, not to mention crankiness, heightened
emotional sensitivity and fogginess. It can even heighten depression!
You may be thinking
"well, that's why there's a Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts on every corner!
Just drink caffeine!" True, caffeine will give you a jolt, but more than
one cup a day may actually be harming you. Due to the ongoing stress in our
everyday lives (kids, meetings, deadlines, family, money, etc.) your adrenal
glands are working overtime. The adrenals sit on top of our kidneys and they're
in charge of monitoring the body’s stress response through the release of
cortisol and adrenaline in the ‘fight or flight’ response. Both of these
hormones are essential when in balance in order to have a healthy stress
response and fight infection.