In skin care the most common comment is: " I have sensitive skin". For wedding makeup it's: "I want to look natural". What I have learned is that it's all relative and subjective to that person's interpretation of what qualifies as 'natural' (or 'sensitive' for that matter!)
I learned this the hard way, with one wedding in particular.
I came prepared with all my goods and the bride uttered the magic words: "I want my makeup to look natural". I smiled in acknowlegement -since I was familiar with the term- and I confidently began applying her makeup.
Beaming, I handed her the mirror when I was done. I was completely caught off guard when she almost started weeping. "It looks like I don't have anything on!", she cried in disappointment (or horror, I'm not sure).
I was a little confused...perplexed, dumbfounded.
I didn't understand. As far as I was concerned, I had given her exactly what she had asked for. In an effort to please my client and to keep her from freaking out, I calmly asked her to tell me specifically what she thought was missing. "Well" she replied, "I was hoping for some gold eyeshadow or something".
Huh? Okay, I don't know about you, but gold doesn't necessarily come to mind in my interpretation of natural, unless you're talking about the mineral found in God's green earth. It's not to say the bride wasn't right, but what I'm trying to point out is that broad terminology serves no one in this scenario.
We all have our own interpretations on the definitions of things when it comes to makeup: natural, dramatic, and generally what qualifies as good or bad makeup.
My point is, communicate. Communicate with your makeup artist, communicate with your hair artist and be specific. Give examples such as: "these are the colors I typically wear" or "I like eyeliner on top but not the bottom", etc.
If you don't ever wear makeup during the day, but you doll it up for a night on the town with the gals, this is important information because it shows you're not afraid of turning up the volume from time to time. It's much different than if you NEVER wear makeup, period.
The best is to have magazine clippings or email the artist pictures of makeup (or hair) you like. This will eliminate a lot of guess work on the artist's behalf, and frustration on yours.
It's all about and always about communication. It's why technology has come so far!
I hope this helps,
your Bridal Beauty Blogger :)
and P.S. The gold eyeshadow bride did end up very pleased with her makeup. Hurrah!
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